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An Art Reset

After an extremely challenging 2 weeks at work, I had to take a deep breath in and remind myself, that I can respond to challenges in one of two ways--with joy or with tears. With staffing constraints and a higher volume than normal coupled with pervasive technical issues that just wouldn't go away and an onslaught of teens needing 5 hours of community service during our busiest time of the year, I found myself working non-stop mentally when not physically from the time I got up until the time I collapsed on my sofa in the evening. Last week, I wore multiple hats rotating throughout the day in a dizzying fashion. After 3 lunches eaten in my car to get items needed for programs

I had to stop, take a deep breath and remind myself this was not sustainable.

The merry-go-round stopped on Saturday afternoon during the last of 8 events that I hosted that week. The last program was the one that ministered to my own needs in order for me to reset myself--which surprised me. I wasn't expecting it at all.

In May, I found myself unexpectedly coming up with two-thirds of Adult Summer Reading event schedule, post haste. There were a couple of standard programs that we do every year--Daddy Dawg Day--a Father's Day Program and the Ice Cream Social--SRP Reading Game Awards, that bookend the summer, I thought about about events that I have wanted to do, events that the Adult Services Librarian could do, or events that we already had the supplies for.

For a while now, I have wanted to try out drip painting in the style of Jackson Pollack.

I planned to start the program out with a brief discussion of Pollack, his life, his style and why his work was so groundbreaking. After introducing Pollack, we would move on to the art table, cover ourselves with trash bag dresses, shoe covers and gloves, and work on our own interpretations of the technique while listening to Winton Marsalis. I tried to focus on the music and let the flow come from how I was interpreting Marsalis. This shift in my mind set, released all the tension that had build up in the week. I was able to relax and enjoy the company of the amazing women that had decided that the library was where they wanted to spend their afternoon.

I loved seeing my own work evolve from something that looked like a homage to Christmas to something that entirely not Christmas-y. I loved seeing the others same in something that matched their style. Towards the end, I decided to try adding glitter to my piece, I put a bit of

glitter in my hand, then got down low and blew it over the painting. Much to my surprise it worked! By the end of the event, my mind was reset, I had exited the tunnel I had found myself all week.

Note: My Mindfulness Reminder of the Day this morning says: Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes...including you. Better a week late than never. But perhaps, I am ready to hear the message this week.

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