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A Natural Composition

Several months ago, I wrote about the Unexpected Beauty of leaf litter. Yesterday, during my walk around Descanso Gardens, started at the Japanese Garden, and walked through the camellia trees before heading over to the Rose Garden. I searched the trees for flowers but as I expected there were none. Camellias are known as the queen of winter--their colors brighten up the stark winter landscape and last until spring. Camellias have been used in Japanese landscaping for centuries and Camellia Japonica which has over 30,000 cultivars is the flower that comes to mind when we imagine a camellia.

The camellia trees at Descanso were bare of flowers. As I scanned the leaf litter, over there, I caught white among the shades of brown. When I investigated, I realized that it was a camellia. Still in good shape, although fading round the bottom edges. I felt like I had been given a special gift.

Now, I am starting a series of Leaf Litter 2019. I am adding the first in this series here. It is still a favorite of mine. Nature's compositions are better than anything I could have contrived to arrange.

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