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Chasing Dreams

On summer days in the pasture down by the pond the dragonflies would dance. Chasing after them, I yearned to capture their essence for myself. Yet, they remained elusive, never to be touched. Across the years, whenever, I see a dragonfly, I see myself dancing after them, eager to know their secrets. I look forward to seeing these harbingers of a new summer. My present connects with my past and my heart is enchanted anew.

Dragonflies symbolize transformation and change as well as happiness and new beginnings. They represent poise and adaptability as they can easily move in all six directions which includes flying sideways and backward as well as hovering in place. Each of the wings can one independently of the others. The dragonfly is an ancient species that has been around for 300 million years. Since the dragonfly has been among us throughout our history, an impressive array of mythology has built up around it many cultures around the world.

For more dragonfly facts check out this link on Mother Nature Network. And for more about the symbolism and mythology of dragonflies enjoy this article from a USC researcher.

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