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Finding Paradise

Bird of Paradise, Arboretum, Alta Dena, CA

Birds of Paradise always evoke Hawaii in my mind. Of course they do, they are by their very name a symbol of a tropical paradise. I spent 7 unforgettable years in Hawaii before moving to California. I loved roaming ridge lines, spending lazy afternoons on the beach, searching for the green light on a glorious sunset, and so much more. I became a part of a wonderful Ohana (family) and I know that if I showed up on any of their doorstep they would invite me in and sit down with me to talk story over a cold beer. Hawaii is truly paradise and I would go back in heartbeat, if I could get paid in a bit more than sunshine.

I left because I would have had to take at least a $10K pay cut to my already not impressive, barely livable salary to become a librarian (most likely part-time one until I proved my worth). In California, I was hired the same salary that I had as a language school director with a significant raise months into my tenure not to mention a lower cost of living. I will never regret my decision to leave but I am also looking forward to the day that I can go back to my island home. Until then, I will find little slices of paradise within.

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