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Take a Minute... see what is beautiful and right in this imperfect world. Take a minute to feel hope, compassion and love. Take a minute to feel charitable towards someone. Take a minute to embrace your own and others' imperfection. Take a minute hope someone else's story ends well. Take a minute to reframe a negative thought into a positive one.

It seems that at every turn, I hear hate, intolerance, and fear that others are getting a free ride at the expense of someone else. I am frequently shocked at how vicious shared Facebook posts often are. I am sadden by the anger & outrage expressed in these posts. I am saddened that so many people I know carry hate and hurt in their hearts everyday. Hate and hurt feeds upon the baser side of our humanity. Love, hope and compassion the other. My hope is that one minute at a time, we can pause and find the the better half of ourselves. I firmly believe that good is in greater measure than bad, but we have to silence the noise of negativity to find it.

I am taking a minute...won't you?

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