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Day 1 Redux: I missed yesterday so the rules of the game says that I need to start over again. Why did I set such crazy rules for myself? Why? Yesterday was a crazy. crazy day at work as the plague added another notch to its belt. My staff has been laid low for weeks now and I am now threatening to call in well--stay, share your germs with each other, I'll go into quarantine. So when I got home last night, I laid on the sofa until I could no longer hold my eyes open and then went to bed obscenely early, so early in fact that at 4:30 this morning the cats were telling me that they needed attention.

Once up and around, I decided Descanso was the place for me. I wanted to take a picture of the Japanese Garden that I missed the other day because I forgot to charge my battery. I always seem to be on the uncharged end of a battery someplace--seems to be my lot in life. I started off towards the rose garden because I wanted to finish my coffee before I started taking photos. But then I saw this guy, just moseying around un-preturbed by the two-legs walking nearby. Clearly this deer was used to visitors. I put my coffee down and snapped a few photos. After a while a toddler started chasing the deer and it moved on.

I still haven't made it to the Japanese Garden. I took some photos a bird that seemed to eat my battery life away. Maybe something is wrong with my battery. Maybe I need to find my spare battery and start carrying both of them. Maybe, I should have learned these lessons a long time ago.

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