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Living the Fabulous Life

My life is probably little different from many others. I have complaints and somedays, I just want to pull the covers over my head and escape. This past Sunday, I left my wallet on the counter at Michaels in Glendale. I didn't realize it until a few hours later and by then it was gone, gone, gone. Sunday night I didn't sleep well. Yesterday, I went the back to Michaels to see if someone had decided to return the wallet. No. So my next stop was the bank, fortunately my credit cards are also assigned to Chase, so it was a one stop. The clerk gave me her sympathies, but I told her, I just have to think that whoever took it needed it more than I did. She sat back in surprise and said, Wow, that is really an unusual way to look at it. Maybe, so. But... I should have been more diligent in what I was doing. There wasn't much of true value in the wallet, excepting the wallet itself and a high $ gift card, along with some reimbursement receipts. Whomever, did not tamper with my bank accounts. Although, I really really liked my Ted Baker wallet--it is gone now, and nothing I can do about it--so I should not dwell on what I cannot change. The gift card was just that, I inadvertently re-gifted the gift, I can replace the other items with varying degrees of difficulty--I am not looking forward to the trip to the DMV. But in the grand scheme of things, it is done, it is gone. Period. Things could have been worse, things are often worse for others, so as long as I focus on the gratitude of what I have rather than what I lost, I am living the fabulous life.

Note: The photo was taken at the Broad Museum--a modern art museum in downtown LA. This is part of a panel by Lari Pitman. Here is another section of the panel, that I inspires me to take action and make my life fabulous.

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