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Welcome to Sapphire Lucy Designs.  I hope you are enjoying your tour through my website.  Sapphire Lucy Designs is my brand name for the experiential photography I do as a hobby.  I have always been curious, that curiosity was encourage by a mother that often tacked on an addition to the old adage Curiosity killed the cat...but did you know that satisfaction brought him back.   I grew up in southeastern Oklahoma near the Texas and Arkansas borders in a small town called Idabel.  Due to the isolated nature of my home town and my natural curiosity, I have long appreciated the role of libraries in providing roads into the wider world and pathways to a better life.  So it is no surprise that I became a Librarian after spending years teaching English as a Foreign Language in the US and abroad.

One constant companion has always been my camera.  I got my first camera for Christmas when I was 12 years old.  I have always enjoyed taking photos but it has only been in the last handful of years that photography has become a serious hobby. 

Sapphire Lucy Designs is more than simply photography, it is the way I approach life by trying to find happiness and joy and seeking out balance, harmony and beauty while seeking out new experiences and pushing out my boundaries. 

Explore my website: As of October 2021 I am re-tooling how I approach this website. While I am finding my feet on the direction of this website, you can also explore earlier writings from which discusses an eclectic range of thoughts and views, memories, and book reviews along with a smattering my of my photography at I'm a Stranger Here, Too.   I share photos with friends and family through photo greeting cards.  I am out to revive the lost art of letter writing.  Although I am not a professional photographer, I enjoy creating my own mark and style with the photography. 

Please feel free to email me at with any questions or comments.  



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